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Sunday, February 14, 2010

kung foo

Rorke has channeled his inner ninja.


The Bryger Family said...

I was totally laughing out loud!!! So super funny.. I was totally thinking if you guys tonight. Bry cooked me crab for vday, and I just thought Lynlee would totally enjoy this with me! When you come visit we will ahve to have another crab fest. I told Bry you guys were coming in August and we have already started planning!


natalie spratling said...

I can't believe how big Rorke, Holy Cow and yes I grew up in Utah so I can use that phrase. I found your blog via Tabitha...you didn't hide it well enough. I'll be popp'in in often I guess unless you go private. Miss see you:( Love the post and excited to keep in touch a little better.Happy Valentine's Day