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Sunday, July 11, 2010


He is looking so old to me. He is still my baby but he looks like a little toddler. We love him so much! He is getting really particular about everything. He sure is growing. He loves shoes. He doesn't care if they are too big, too small or if they match if he see's shoes he wants them on. I love that he is a shoe lover just like Mom. He has almost as many as me too. well maybe not that many but he has more than enough.

These pictures just blow me away. He is just looking so old. I love this little boy so much. He is really acting much older as well. he is so smart. He loves to give you kisses when you ask and he loves to play games.

He just had to have these both on. Silly boy!


The Bryger Family said...

Oh my goodness!!! Isn't it amazing how one day they still look like a baby then the next they are suddenly transformed into a boy! He is getting so big!!! I love all the pics. He is such a handsome little guy! And totally laughed when you said he has an obsession with shoes :).

Lynette said...

He probably wishes he had more feet so that he could wear more shoes ! He does look old here - wow! Time flies.

Keith, Heather and Carsen said...

He is getting so big!! I can't wait to see you all!! I love that he loves shoes!! so cute!!
ps how do you get those little poll things at the end of your posts?? I love them