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Sunday, July 11, 2010


I don't think I have a picture of it but it was also crazy the next morning driving to work and the national guard was out. It is just strange to see.
sorry not a great picture but this is the Metra Park Arena. This is where they have concerts, football games, Rodeo's and other things. The roof was torn off and most of the side. It was the most damage out of all.

That building to the left used to be a glass shop
It tore through a casino and marine store

nice McDonalds sign. It was taken down after that and we still don't have one. It busted windows out too.

lots of Golf ball sized hail. I will have to add more pictures from my phone later. This was in the first few minutes. It got worse.

I know it is crazy. I couldn't believe we really had a tornado here in Billings MT. Who would have thought. I went to church and it was a bright sunny day and when I left it was so dark I thought it was strange but not unusual. I got home and put Rorke down for a nap and the hail started. It was so loud it sounded like horses or a football game was on my roof. I have never heard a storm that loud. I kept looking outside because I was home all alone. I wasn't sure what to do. The power was flickering and then finally went out. Then I heard the sirens. How weird is that if you can imagine. I have heard them in movies but never in real life. I was a little worried at this point because I again was home just Rorke and I. We dont' have a basement so I wasn't quite sure what to do. I saw out side the clouds were so amazing. Scary amazing. I did start to see them turning in a circular motion. Lucky for all of us it didn't touch down at our house. I don't know what I would have done. Gunnar's Grandparents got home by this point so we held out in the storm together with no lights. It was fun hanging but a little scary. Gunnar called from work and asked if we were ok. then we started to get phone calls from alot of people. There really was a tornado. 2 miles from my house. It ripped up a lot of the area that it hit. I never in my life thought I would live somewhere where a tornado could hit us. I am so Thankful that everyone was ok. I had a lot of friends that had major damage. We just have to get our car fixed. I am fine with that if that is all I had to deal with. It was kind of crazy driving through town afterwards. You just can't imagine. The roads were flooded. Unbelievable.

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