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Sunday, July 11, 2010


This is Rorke's first masterpiece from Nursery. He loved it so much. He now has gone for about 5 weeks. He loves all the toys and the kids. He is such a good boy. Yes I am aware that he is a little young but with Gunnar's work schedule and my church calling it is easier for him in there. He doesn't mind a bit. It makes him so happy. He colored this and he made a tie for Gunnar for Father's Day and he is having a ball. Thank Goodness for Nursery.

1 comment:

The Bryger Family said...

Yay for nursery!!! I am glad he is enjoying it. Coop strongly disliked nursery but I think it had a lot to do with the leaders, they just sat in the corner talking, he loves the nursery in our new ward now, and I am so happy! I can finally sit through all the classes. Super greatful for faithful nursery leaders!
