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Thursday, December 30, 2010


Our last night was dinner with the Clark side. Well some of us. My Grandma and Grandpa Drummond and then Mike and Diane and their families. We had a great time visiting at Robintino's in Bountiful. We did a lot of talking and eating. Rorke and Peyton were hamming it up. Eating up almost all the bread and ranch. They were playing across the table from each other. They were playing catch with Rorke's bottle. Rorke now says Peyton and Elena oh and Tanner. I guess i should say that he says..."Peyta, Anena, and Nanna. It was nice to see Adam who I haven't seen in about 8 years. Wow how time passes. It was fabulous to see everyone. Then the next day we left for home. On the way home Rorke said Where did Elena go? It was so cute he kept saying it so we called Elena on the way home.


The Daleys said...

The pictures of Rorke and Peyton make me laugh. You'll have to teach me how to make those collages, I love them.

Lynette said...

Such cute pics and it was fun. So good to see everyone, even if it is only once a year.